Daily Archives: December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve!

We were up about 7am (way too early for me) and pulled out of our site about 8:55 and right down the road to the propane fill station. I had make an appointment yesterday for 9am, and Bill Burden, the Ranger, showed up right on time. And he was quick too.

Ten minutes later I had taken on 28 gallons of propane, and was pulling out. I did have to stop off at the office to pay, but I was quickly back on the road with Jan following me in the truck as our next stop was the Colorado County Oil Company about 4 miles down the road, where we got about 35 gallons of diesel at $2.59 a gallon. Nice!

While we were filing up, Jan pulled in behind the rig and I got us hooked up and ready to roll. We pulled out at 9:50, having gotten propane and diesel and been back on the road in 50 minutes. A new record for us.

The trip back over to the Lake Conroe Thousand Trails was uneventful with not a lot of traffic. Or at least not as much as I had feared. We pulled in the park a couple of minutes after 12 and got a big welcoming hug from Kim, the head ranger.

We asked about vacancies in the ‘E’ ring, but she didn’t think there were any available. And there weren’t. So we drove over to the ‘F’ area, and after trying out three sites that proved to be too uneven to be able to level the coach without a tire in the air, we finally settled on F41, which turned out to be very level.

Just about the time we finished setting up, our friend Garland Scott showed up, having seen us driving around the park looking for a space. That’s Garland on the left, and his wife Valencia on the right, next to Jan.


We first met them here last April, so it will be good to see them again. Made a date to get together for dinner after the holiday madness settles down.

About 2:30 we headed out for Clear Lake to meet up with the rest of the family at our traditional Christmas Eve dining establishment, King Food. We’ve eaten here on Christmas Eve for about 30 years now, and this year was no exception.

Christmas King Food 1

Christmas King Food 2

And after our usual great meal, Chris headed to work on his motorcycle, Linda headed home, Brandi, Lowell, Landon, and Piper headed up to Katy, and Jan and I stopped off at a nearby Kroger’s for a few things for tomorrow’s party. Then we also headed up to Katy to spend the night with Brandi, et.al.

Landon’s really excited about Santa coming, so much so that he’s got Elf pajamas to wear to bed tonight.

Elf Landon

Really cute.


Thought for the Day:

Oh it’s Tommy this, and Tommy that, and chuck ‘im out, the brute,
but it’s “Savior of our country!” when the guns begin to shoot . . . – Rudyard Kipling
