Daily Archives: December 30, 2014

Out of Luck . . .

After not getting to bed until about 2:30 this morning, I creaked out of bed around 10am. ‘Creak’ being the operative word. I haven’t been this sore in a long time.

Between leaning over the compartment under the bed and getting up and down a lot as I worked on the transfer switch install, and then lifting out the old Source Manager unit, my back may never be the same.

But once I was up and about, I started back in on my chore list. First up was to replace the leaking hose of our kitchen pull-out faucet nozzle. But I quickly hit a snag.

The universal hose replacement kit that I bought at Lowe’s the other day did not have an adapter that fits my nozzle. But that may be because the package of adapters looked like it had been opened already. Whatever the reason, this hose wasn’t going to work. So back to Lowe’s it goes.

Next up, I wanted finish up the power converter install under the bed. But that didn’t work out either. I discovered I had forgotten that I needed to add a 120volt outlet underneath there to plug the power converter in to. So more parts are needed.

So now it was on to project number 3, replacing the bathroom faucet. I had the faucet so I was ready to go.

Until I tried to get down on the floor and found my knees wouldn’t bend for that. Oh, well. There’s later for that.

So I was off to Home Depot for parts and to get a new hose kit. Getting there I fond they had the same hose kit as Lowe’s, and this one didn’t look like it had been opened. So I got that one as well as the electrical parts I needed. I’ll take the other hose back to Lowe’s later in the week.

Getting back home, I saw this 5iver driving around looking for a site. Really nice setup.

Neat 5th Wheel

Getting out the hose kit, I found I was still out of luck. There was no adapter in the kit that would fit my nozzle. The faucet is an American-Standard, but I guess it’s not standard enough. So now both of them have to go back, I guess. And it’s back to the drawing board for the hose.

As far as the electrical stuff, it was getting late in the day, and I would have turn off the power, so that can wait also. There’s always tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I’m going down about 10:30 to get Jan and we’ll spend the afternoon with Landon before we come home tomorrow night. We had originally planned to spend the night there at Brandi’s, but that’s changed, so we’ll be coming home.


Thought for the Day:

The absolutely worst thing you can do is win an argument with your wife.
