Gulf Shores Memories . . .

Our first day in Paradise (well, we like it a lot) started off with a morning of thunder, lightning, and rain. But it did really help to keep things cool.

In fact I don’t think it go much hotter than the mid-80’s, so that was really nice. Jan caught up on a couple of loads of laundry that had built up since we left Colorado River. But after the rainy start the afternoon cleared up with some sun, but still stayed cool. Very nice for our first full day here.

Around 3 we started talking ‘linner’, and even though we usually concentrate on seafood while we’re here. we have one other favorite – Hooter’s. But not just any Hooters. It’s the World’s Tiniest Hooters.

It even says so on their sign.

Hooters - Tiniest

It’s located right across the road from the beach, just east of the main beach intersection. And the reason it’s the tiniest, is that it’s actually a doublewide trailer, still on the wheels. So supposedly it can be towed away in case of an approaching hurricane, but I’m not sure how practical that would be.

We were lucky to get the last table, and a line started soon after. Like I said it’s a small place. And busy as they were, it took a while to get our food. But it wasn’t like we were in any hurry, just happy to be back on the road.

Jan got the Chicken Strip Cheese Sandwich on Texas Toast with Curly Fries, while I got my usual 10 wings, naked (no breading), all drums, with 911 sauce, which Jan also got on her sandwich strips.

Now 911 used to be their hottest sauce, which is why we ordered it. Well, except for the secret, off-menu ‘Elvis’ sauce that only some stores had. But after turning in our order, I was looking over the menu and discovered they’ve added a new sauce, “Triple Dog Dare”. Wish I’d known that before I ordered.

Guess it gives me something to look forward to next time.

Finishing up, we drove around for awhile, checking out all the new places that have sprung up since we were here a year ago. And for me, I remember long streches of open beach that are now covered with wall-to-wall condos as far as the eye can see. But yet I still see places that were that were here more than 60 years ago when I grew up here.

Everything changes and and yet stays the same.

Thought for the Day:

If everywhere you go there’s a problem, guess what?
