My Cougar is Back . . .

Jan and I got the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit on Brittmore Rd off I-10 about 1:30 and were ushered right in.

After we were wanded by a security guard.


Van Gogh Building

And of course, what says Van Gogh than a yellow Ford truck full of Sunflowers.

Van Gogh Truck

The videos start out sedately with just few images from Van Gogh’ paintings,

Van Gogh 1 Inside

Then suddenly the music comes up and walls explode in color.

Van Gogh 1 Inside 2

And the motion never stops. Paintings paint and unpaint themselves, dissolving into other landscapes.

Check out these videos I made.

One thing to keep in mind is that it was a lot darker in the theater too good, and I haven’t found a way to tone it down.

I’ll have more for you tomorrow.

Van Gogh 1 Inside 3


Thought For The Day:

“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.” – Will Rogers