Cactus Queens and Dairy Queens . . .

When we got up this morning we had a nice surprise waiting for us from our daughter Brandi. New Landon Photos!

But the real surprise was how much he’d grown. In these two new photos he’s almost 7 months, lying in his ‘Froggy Chair’. And note that he’s more hanging out of it than ‘in’ it.

Landon in Froggy 5

Landon in Froggy 3

And here he is in the same chair at two months. Quite a difference!

Landon in Green

Brandi said he’s getting so tall, he’s growing out of a lot of his outfits.

We got up at 8:30 even though we didn’t want to, because I still had a lot of work to do on my seminar today. We were really overwhelmed by the attendance at yesterday’s seminar. As I said I thought we might have 20 or so. We had 117.

For today’s class I had planned on giving everyone a CD containing the programs that I was going to talk about. But based on yesterday I was going to need a lot more CD’s. So I made 50 last night and then did another 30 this morning.

And at the same time I was revamping my outline. I realized yesterday that I didn’t talk near as fast as I thought I did, so I knew I had to shorten the topics I planned on covering.

About 11 Jan and I took a break to walk over the the food vendor to get hot dogs for lunch. Turns out they were nicely grilled rather than boiled, and were delicious. We brought them back to the rig and had them with the last of Jan’s Twice-Baked Potato Casserole from the BBQ potluck on Saturday that Dennis Hill did for the parking crew.

Then it was back to making CD’s, and finally we able to started printing the handouts. The class was called Do’s and Don’ts of Computer Security

You can get your copy by clicking the above link.

Just to be on the safe side we printed up 120 handouts, and Jan finished stapling them together just fifteen minutes before the class started at 1pm. Talk about cutting it close!

Gypsy Seminar 2-1

Gypsy Seminar 2-2

The class went pretty well, and once again we had a lot of questions.


But that was good. Everyone seem to have a good time and enjoyed themselves. And once again Jan had to drag me out of the room so the next seminar could start.

We ended up with about 79 attendees, so we were almost perfect on the CD’s and a little high on the handouts, but I’d rather have too many than not enough.

At 2:30 Jan sat in on a panel-discussion seminar entitled “How Not To Kill Your Spouse Living Together In A 400 sq.ft. RV” or maybe it was “Staying Married & Happy In An RV”, or something like that.

While Jan was learning to count to 10 before tazering me, I went shopping in the Vendor area. BTW I don’t think the ‘counting to 10’ thing is so she’ll calm down and reconsider tazering me, I think she just wants to give me a headstart to be fair about the whole thing.

Anyway, I went ahead and bought the new TireTraker Tire Pressure Monitoring System that I had my eye on.


Unlike my other system, the batteries in the tire sensors are replaceable, so they don’t have to be sent back to the factory for service every three or four years or so. I’ll let you know how it works.

We were supposed to have the Pizza Party at 6pm, but the pizza showed up at 5:30. So Nick had to get on the fairgrounds PA system to let everyone know to come and get it early before it got cold.


It’s really amazing how well Nick’s wife Terry has this organized. All 300 or so people were fed in less than 15 minutes. Almost like magic.

And there were plenty of seconds (and thirds) for anyone who wanted it.

And then it was time for everyone’s favorite, The Annual Cactus Queen Contest. For some reason Nick has entirely too much fun cavorting with men in drag.

Cactus Queens

The winner this year was Miss Lottie Hottie, the buxom young ‘lady’ in the pink halter top, fifth from the left. I think it just shows you that big boobs win every time.

And why exactly did Nick have lipstick all over his face after the contest?

Finally about 8pm, after all the Cactus Queen contestants had been run out of town by the ‘vice squad’, we all decided we needed a Dairy Queen fix so off we went to our local hangout. We’ve been there so many times, they now recognize us when we come in the door.

Or at least the girls behind the counter recognize Nick, and run and hid.

I’m not really sure what that’s all about.

Tomorrow will hopefully be a slightly less hectic day, although Jan had 8am front gate duty again, so no sleeping in.

More tomorrow. . .


Thought for the Day:

"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am" – Darth Vader
