Another Day, Another Blog . . .

Today was another stay-at-home, dreary, slightly rainy, very nice day. One of those days just perfect for sitting around the rig doing pretty much nothing.

Unfortunately, I had to do something: finish up my taxes and get them submitted before midnight. But it mostly consisted of double-checking all the figures so it didn’t take too long. And thanks to online filing, I didn’t have to make a run to the Post Office. Just click the ‘Submit’ button and a little while later an email tells me it was accepted.

Ain’t modern technology grand?

Our grandson Landon had tubes put in his ears this morning. Brandi called to say everything went fine with no problems. Hopefully this will take care of all the ear infections he’s been having. It certainly did wonders for our son Chris when he had it done years ago.

And of course I can’t mention Landon without posting the obligatory photo.

Landon School Picture 2012-2

We started off the morning with big steaming mugs of Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Coffee, and then for lunch Jan heated up the leftover Baked Spaghetti from our visit to Angelo’s Pizza last Thursday. Italian always gets better reheated.

Then we spent the rest of the afternoon watching some of our DVR’ed TV shows so we would have room to DVR more TV shows.

It’s a vicious circle.

Then about 5:15 we all headed out for dinner. Nick, the Birthday Boy, wanted to go back to Angelo’s Pizza down in Montross again so off we went.
Angelos Pizza

And just like last time, it was delicious. I wouldn’t be surprised if we managed to go back again before we leave here next Sunday.

Looks like tomorrow will be another nice goof-off day. Great!

We love goof-off days.


Thought for the Day:

The last thing I want to do is kill you. But it’s still on the list.
