You heard it here first . . .

Today as I was ordering her some new Kindle books, Jan said,

“We need to gate guard again so I can catch up on my reading.”

Words I thought I’d never hear.

Jan was feeling better today so about 1pm we all headed over to Harrisburg to look around, and also to visit the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, a place that specializes in hard-to-find and rare books. And it turned out to be kind of a neat place, but you’d really have to spend some time there to be able to find your way around. Upstairs, downstairs, and even the basement are full of books, but it’s like wandering around in a maze. I’m sure the store thinks they have an organization, but it sure wasn’t obvious to us.

So, leaving MidTown, and after driving around through the neighborhoods near downtown Harrisburg admiring the unique architecture of the area, we headed over the Susquehanna River to a nearby Barnes & Noble. At least here we can probably find our way around.

By the time we finished there, it was getting to be suppertime so we headed toward home by way of the Grantville area to check out a BBQ place called Smackdown BBQ.

Smackdown BBQ

It was very well reviewed online, and turned out to be pretty good, though I think Jan and I liked it better than Nick and Terry.

Finally heading home again we made a last stop at the Wal-Mart in Palmyra to pick up some things before we head out for the Harbor View Outdoor World Resort in Colonial Beach, VA for two weeks.


Thought for the Day:

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte
