Drones and a Slingshot . . .

I awoke this morning to the delicious smell of a big batch of Jan’s Chili simmering in the Slow Cooker, foreshadowing a great meal later today. Only a couple of other things are better to wake up to.

Although the rain seems to have gone away for a few days, it’s leaving behind weather in the 30’s for a while. Probably have to break out the 2nd heater here in the rig.

Of course it could be worse. We could still be sitting outside on the gate wearing gloves, three shirts, and a hoodie sweatshirt, surrounded by four heaters.

Later in the morning I put in a call to the Escapees office up in Livingston. Yesterday, Cyber Monday, I had tried to sign up for their ‘3 year membership for $100’ special, but their website wouldn’t let me make the purchase.

I had the offer in my cart but when I tried to login and pay, it wouldn’t let me. It first said my username and password didn’t match. But because I used RoboForm to store and retrieve my passwords, I knew this wasn’t possible.

So I next clicked on the ‘Forgot Password?” link and entered my email address. But when I clicked ‘Send’ the system told me my email address did not exist in their system.

Well then, why did they send the ‘Renew Your Membership’ to that ‘non-existent’ address?

So my next option, since I was not ‘in the system’, I thought I would just Register all over again. But when I tried that I was stymied once again.

The system then said that my ‘non-existent’ email address, the one that didn’t exist in their system, was already registered in their system, so I couldn’t register under that same email address.

So I called to see if they could get it all straightened out. At first they had problems too, but finally, by erasing everything in their system concerning me and my membership, they were able to manually reenter all my info and get me set up again.

And they were nice enough to let me still have the Cyber Monday special price.

On the subject of the Escapees, the next Escapade, the 56th, is up in Essex Junction, VT next July, and as it stands right now Jan and I will probably be giving our Gate Guarding for Fun? and Profit seminar once again, just like we did this past March in Tucson.

Hope you can be there too.


A few days ago we followed one of these 3 wheel bikes, a trike, coming into the park.

Slingshot Trike 1

Really neat looking.

Then yesterday, dropping off the trash on our way to the The Woodlands, we saw where it came from. Looks like a nice custom-made trailer.

Polaris Slingshot Conroe

A little Googling showed it was a Polaris Slingshot SL, from Polaris of snowmobile/ATV  fame. With 173 hp., a backup camera, and a six speaker stereo system, it’s got a little of everything. Even Bluetooth.

And as Sheldon says, everything’s better with Bluetooth.

Personally, I think for $25,000+, it should have a removable roof or top of some sort for bad weather. But that’s just me.

I’ve been following the latest news on Amazon’s newest delivery methods. Houston is now on the list of cities where their One Hour / Two Hour delivery service, Prime Now, is now available. Unfortunately it’s not in any zip codes where I get packages here yet, But soon, I hope.

Hotels.com Same Day Deals!

Of course the method everyone’s talking about is their much-vaunted Prime Air drone delivery service. For more info, check out this humorous video that explains how it’s supposed to work.

So we may see Amazon drones overhead any day now. Of course, some people have described this as ‘Skeet Shooting for Presents’.

So your Christmas may depend on how good a shot you are.


Thought for the Day:

“Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.” – Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.
