Really Lucky . . .

Well, after it rained (and poured) all day, the cold front showed up right on time, with the temperature dropping from 74 degrees to 49 degrees between 5pm and 7pm with a drop to 39 degrees scheduled before the night is over.

The weather was bad enough that we didn’t even think about walking this morning. In fact we never even left the rig at all, but just hunkered down and goofed off with reading, computing, and napping. So actually, a very nice day.

But our rain and cold front is nothing compared to the bad weather that hit areas around Dallas, especially the River Plantation RV Park.

Dallas Christmas Tornado

Garland RV Park Tornado photos 1a

Garland RV Park Tornado photos 2

According to reports, no one was killed at the RV park, although 11 were reportedly killed in other areas of Texas.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost family or friends in these storms

One of Jan’s favorite gifts this Christmas was a two’fer. First Landon gave her a sample of his latest artwork from school.

Landon's Art Work

I’m constantly amazed by his use of color and composition.

And his school is so hi-tech that even his artwork is bar-coded on the back

Landon's Art Work 2

But Jan’s real gift was that Brandi took that artwork and turned it into a notebook for her.

Landon's Art Work Notebook

She probably won’t even want to write in it, just to keep it longer.

For more on the family front, we got this photo of our great-nieces, great-nephews. and a . . . great-fawn?

Darby, Stahlie, Luke, and Harland

We never know what’s going to show up with them. The last pictures of Darby and Stahlie came from the Great Wall of China.

Great Wall 7

Great Wall 6
Only Stahlie could get photo-bombed by a Chinese Communist soldier.

Great Wall 8
If you want to read more about their China trip, you can follow it up here:

Walking The Wall

Tomorrow about 9:30 Jan and I are driving down to our daughter Brandi’s in Katy to spend the day with Lendel and Sonja, our son-in-law Lowell’s parents, so we can take Landon out for some fun stuff.

Really looking forward to it.

Thought for the Day:

“Drill for oil?’ You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You’re crazy.” –Driller who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist to his project to drill for oil in 1859
