See, I Knew It Was Just Her . . .

Jan and I headed out for Houston about 1:15. We were meeting up with everyone to do the Houston Zoo Lights Christmas light show. But we had left early so we could make a stop and then grab some lunch before ending up at Brandi’s house.

Our first stop was Harbor Freight Tools because I wanted to get a couple of extra blades for my Multi-Function Oscillating Tool that I plan to use to cut into the wallboard behind the shower to track down my leak. But Harbor Freight is one of those places that you can’t just go in and buy only what you want. You end up with 10 or 15 other things things that are on sale and you just had to have. Even Jan found several things she needed.

Well, maybe not needed, but really wanted.

Finishing up at HFT, and remembering there was a Whataburger nearby, this became our go-to place for lunch. Although I went to the one in Carthage, TX once or twice a week while we were on the gate, this was both Jan’s and my first time to actually eat in one. It was always take-out before.

Regular readers will remember my regular trials and tribulations with the cashier at the Whataburger in Carthage. She could just not get my order straight, no matter what I did.

I would repeatedly tell her I wanted a #6 with cheese, and ONLY mustard, ketchup, tomatoes and grilled onions. Her next utterance would always be, “You want lettuce on that?”

And then we would circle back around a couple of more times until I finally saw the correct items on the little screen in front of me.

And then we would start in on mine.

“You want lettuce on that?”


But this time when I told the young lady that I wanted a #6 large combo with cheese, and ONLY mustard, ketchup, tomatoes and grilled onions, she hit a few keys, read my order back to me, and we were ready to move on to my order.

See, I knew it wasn’t me.

Well, sometimes it is. But not this time.

Wrapping up our really good Whataburger meal, we headed over to Brandi and Lowell’s about 15 minutes away, getting there just in time to hop in the car with Lowell to go pick Landon up at  his school which is only about 10 minutes from their house.

Then we were off to pick up Brandi at her office building at the corner of Westheimer and Beltway 8, so we were in the thick of the Houston going-home traffic by then. But we got to the Houston Zoo about 5:15, still in time to get a good parking spot close to the entrance, which was nice considering how tired we were walking back to the car.

The Zoo itself closes at 5pm, and then reopens at 6pm for the Zoo Lights, and Chris, Linda, and Piper showed right just a little before they opened the gate.

The Zoo Lights were really spectacular, much better than the ones at Moody Gardens in Galveston that we checked out several years ago. Though I think that’s mainly due to all the big oak trees at the zoo that they don’t have at Moody Gardens.

Zoo Lights 1

Zoo Lights 2

Landon got one of those whirling LED wands and had a great time with it.

Zoo Lights - Landon

Zoo Lights 3

Zoo Lights 4

Zoo Lights 5

Even the flamingos were still up and about, although they don’t look as pink in the dark.

Zoo Lights - Flamingos

Zoo Lights 6

Jan even had a moose sighting, probably her first one in Houston.

Zoo Lights - Moose

Brandi, Piper, and Landon even got a carousel ride together.

Zoo Lights - Carousel

Every time you turned a corner it was just one spectacular scene after another.

Zoo Lights 7

They even had a large ‘S’ gauge train set on display, one of which was Landon’s favorite, Thomas the Tank Engine.

Zoo Lights - Trains

Zoo Lights 8

Zoo Lights 9 Same Day Deals!

Zoo Lights 11

Zoo Lights 12

One of the last places we visited had this display of Jellyfish. Really neat.

Zoo Lights - Jellyfish

Zoo Lights - Jellyfish 2

Finishing up on a real Christmas note,

Zoo Lights 10

we got our hugs and goodbyes from Chris, Linda, and Piper, and headed out, reversing our trip by dropping Brandi off at her office so she could pick up her truck, and then we all headed back to Katy to Brandi and Lowell’s house.

Then getting Jan settled in, I turned around and headed back to Columbus and the rig. I did stop off at the Kroger’s for gas, now down to $1.56 a gallon.

How Low Can It Go.

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I finally got home about 10:15, got this blog done so I could get to bed early and get an early start tomorrow on all my plumbing projects.


Thought for the Day:

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you! — Pericles (430 B.C.)
