I Guess His Non-Compete Expired . . .

Have you noticed that the “Can You Hear Me Now?” guy from the Verizon commercials a few years ago, is now doing commercials for Sprint, talking about how much better it is than Verizon? Some lawyer must have left a clause out of his contract.

A month ago when when we were here at Lake Conroe, I tried the new in-park Wi-Fi called Fast Wave, and was very disappointed in both the speed and the connection quality. Costing $14.95 for a week of service, at about 2.5 Mbps, it was not much faster than my Verizon 3G AirCard, but even worse, it was start/stop. We couldn’t even watch a 30 second Facebook video without it jerking on and off.

So when we got back here this time, I called their Tech Support to ask about the problems I found. Several people had told me they didn’t have any problems so I wanted to inquire further.

When Tech Support got back to me, they said I should have been getting better speeds than that, without the start/stop. They suggested I try it again and they would refund my full fee if I wasn’t satisfied. So last evening I signed up again.

And so far, so good.

I’m getting 3.0+ Mbps with no jerkiness, and a 8ms ping, which in itself is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ping that low, even on cable or DSL. And FWIW I’m connected to the same access point I was last time, with 5 bars of signal strength.

Hope it holds out for the next week.

About the only thing I did do today was to replace the battery in my Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone. I try to do this about once a year, since my S5 starts to lose charge time, and a new one only costs about $8 and only takes about 5 minutes to swap out.

Right now the S5 is the last of the line with a replicable battery. And although the S5 is pretty waterproof, the S6 and S7 are even more so. And to that, the case has to be sealed such that it would be a lot more difficult to make one that could be opened and not lose its waterproofness.

And that’s about it for today.


Tomorrow we plan on heading down to The Woodlands to see a movie and then have dinner at Torchy’s Tacos. Really looking forward to it.

Thought for the Day:

Divorce Lawyers
