If It Weren’t For The Rattlesnakes . . .

This might turn out to be a pretty decent gate.

But then I’ve only been told about the snakes secondhand. But the scrub brush terrain is perfect for them, so it’s quite possible. I’ll definitely keep my eyes, and my ears, open.

This seems to be a new gate that’s just getting started up, and coincidently it’s only a couple of miles away from our very first Marathon drill rig gate back in 2012.

Besides the snakes, the only other problem is with the Verizon phone and data service. When I got here at 5 pm the guard I was relieving said that he had no service inside and sometimes a little outside. And my phone showed pretty much the same thing. And of course no signal on my AirCard. Bummer!

I did make a call to Jan from outside with some success, but the voices were crackly. But then about an hour later I looked at my phone and had 3 bars of 4G and good data service. But still nothing on my AirCard.

So then I moved my AirCard antenna to a different side of the shack, rebooted it, and now I have good 3G data.

So now I only have to worry about the rattlesnakes.

Jan and I are to the point in our lives where we really don’t need more ‘stuff’, especially living in an RV. So our Christmas presents are pretty laid back. Like for her birthday this past October I got her a new electric can opener because that’s what she wanted. She said she was giddy.

So for Christmas I got her one of these Silicone Non-Stick Baking Mats.

Silicone Cooking Mat

Silicone Cooking Mat 2

You bake right on it, it spreads the heat evenly, and channels away any grease from the food. Neat.

For lunch today we had the second half of our Barth’s Christmas Turkey & Dressing meal.

Barth's Turkey & Dressing Xmas

All delicous, especially the green beans like I said yesterday. You can tell that their cornmeal mix is only cornmeal and not this half cornmeal/half flour mix that a lot of places use. Their cornbread ends up having the texture of cake. No, this is good ole coarse-ground cornmeal.

And we’ve still got two more meals to go because of the large portions.

I mentioned last week that we used the RV park’s free laundry to do some heavy rugs, and while we were there I saw this notice.

RV Park Washer Notice

I can only guess that when times are slow in the ‘patch’, people start taking in laundry to make ends meet?

Thought for the Day:

“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.” ― Christopher Hitchens
