Daily Archives: February 24, 2020
I’ve Got A Code . . .
In My Node.
I started getting a slight sore throat late Friday night which was still there Saturday, along with a mild stuffy nose. This worsen a little Sunday morning, but came into its own by Monday morning.
My sore throat came back with a vengeance and my head felt like an over-swollen balloon, ready to pop at any moment. So it didn’t take me long to decide that I was not going in today. Don’t want to pass it on to Dr. Heimlich and Jennifer.
I’m assuming I got this cold from WalMart, since no one else I know has a cold. I was walking down the aisle and passed close by a grocery cart holding a small boy. A small boy who immediately sneezed all over me, a ‘wet’ sneeze as it were.
And since he was Asian, I thinking Corona Virus is also a possibility also.
It hasn’t gotten any worse today, but it hasn’t gotten any better either. So we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.
Thought For The Day:
The most dangerous animal in the world is a smiling woman, sitting in silence.