Monthly Archives: February 2020

NYC Wasn’t Built In A Day . . .

Thanks to everyone for their ‘Get Well Thoughts’. I’m feeling a little better, with the coughing finally subsiding. Now I’m just at the point where my chest is so sore that when I do cough it feels like there’s a knife in my ribs. But at least I seem to be on the mend, so I’ll be going back into work tomorrow.

Our daughter Brandi got bored this past weekend and pulled out one of Landon’s Christmas gifts that he hadn’t had a chance to get to, mainly because, though the puzzle itself came from Amazon in just a few days, the special pair of tweezers had to come from China and took over a month.

NYC Skyline Puzzle

The reason you need tweezers is that 1480 pieces are all 1/8” or smaller.

So Brandi started working on it and ended up there.

NYC Skyline Puzzle 1

But then Landon came along and told Brandi, “You’re not doing it right”, and took it over.

NYC Skyline Puzzle 2

NYC Skyline Puzzle 3

NYC Skyline Puzzle 4

Looks like he’s got it well in hand.

Thought For The Day:

The best revenge is always to just happily move on and let karma do the rest.


I’ve Got A Code . . .

In My Node.

I started getting a slight sore throat late Friday night which was still there Saturday, along with a mild stuffy nose. This worsen a little Sunday morning, but came into its own by Monday morning.

Our RV Advenutes LOGO 4

My sore throat came back with a vengeance and my head felt like an over-swollen balloon, ready to pop at any moment. So it didn’t take me long to decide that I was not going in today. Don’t want to pass it on to Dr. Heimlich and Jennifer.

I’m assuming I got this cold from WalMart, since no one else I know has a cold. I was walking down the aisle and passed close by a grocery cart holding a small boy. A small boy who immediately sneezed all over me, a ‘wet’ sneeze as it were.

And since he was Asian, I thinking Corona Virus is also a possibility also.

It hasn’t gotten any worse today, but it hasn’t gotten any better either. So we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.

Thought For The Day:

The most dangerous animal in the world is a smiling woman, sitting in silence.
