A Question For Our Readers . . .

First off, I want to thank all of our readers, well, maybe most of our readers anyway, for the many kind words you have passed on to me. It’s much appreciated.

For the few of you with the not-so kind words, I appreciate those too, It forces me to be extra careful to document my facts and sources. So thank you, also.

Now some follow up on some of my recent information.

Here’s an article concerning Zinc and its effect on the body’s immune system, which illustrates why is so needed in the HCQ/Z-Pack/Zinc regimen.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, it seems like the tropical and subtropical countries around the world have low numbers of WuFlu deaths, very low compared to the U.S. Now it is speculated that this may be a reflection on the thoughts that higher heat/humidity will cripple the virus, or is it because these same countries are also heavy users of HCQ to combat the prevalence of malaria in these areas. So here’s another article discussing these possibilities.

Yesterday I also talked about the Healight, a device being developed at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in NY to allow UV rays, known to kill bacteria and viruses, to be used inside the body. So here’s a short video on how the Healight works.

Well, what do you know. Remember all  those stories the last couple of days about how so many people had been calling the Poison Control Center because they had drank/injected/used bleach, disinfectant, etc. because they said the President told them to.

Well, as it turns out, the report detailing all this covers the time period between January 1, 2020 and March 30, 2020, well before the President is supposed to have said what he didn’t say.

How about that. Probably some of the same people who were  sniffing/snorting/eating Tide Pods.

A couple of weeks ago, on April 7th, and after a number of court battles, Wisconsin held their primary election. And unlike the many doomsday forecasts of the plague ravaging the land, after two weeks, beyond the normal incubation period for the WuFlu, there has been no statistical uptick in cases in the state.

I mentioned yesterday about the FDA/CDC/NIH all seem to be so down on HCQ, publishing disappointing negative reports, when they’ve never yet tested it in the way doctors say it should be used.

Here’s a well-respected doctor in the NY area who has treated over 1450 WuFlu patients with only two deaths.

And this French doctor has treated over 1000 patients with a 91% success rate.

So here’s my question to our readers.

Assuming that the many, many reports of the effectiveness of the HCQ/Z-Pack/Zinc Sulfate regimen from doctors all over the world are true, what could be the reason that the FDA/CDC/NIH triumvirate seems to go out of their way to discredit it?

I have my ideas. Let me know yours.

And wrapping up, while we’re all waiting for the fabled WuFlu vaccine, coming in two, three, four years, or never, depending on which ‘expert’ you want to listen to, here’s a CBS 60 Minutes segment from around 1980, detailing all the many problems with Swine Flu vaccine. It was rushed into production, and a massive vaccination program initiated in only nine months, covering 25% of the U.S. population,, only be stopped less than three months later after multiple problems surfaced. Needless to say, this was another ‘flu’ vaccine that I didn’t take, though Jan did. Seems we were really lucky she had no complications.

This is from back in 60 Minutes heyday when they did actual ‘investigative’ reporting, and you got to watch Mike Wallace make government officials squirm. 

Our daughter-in-law Linda caught this rarely-seen Painted Bunting at one of her backyard feeders.

Linda's Painted Bunting

Really beautiful!

Thought For The Day:

Sometimes the thoughts in my head get so bored they go out for a stroll through my mouth. This is rarely a good thing.
