Daily Archives: June 9, 2009

Road Trip to Daytona Beach…

Today Jan and I took a road trip about 50 miles south to Daytona Beach.

Jan had seen some yard flamingos at a store in Ormand Beach when we came thru there last week in our RV.  When you’re 61 feet long it’s hard to find a place to pull over on the spur of the moment, so back we went today. 

Here is what Jan bought:

Yard Flamingos

Yard Flamingos

This is actually only a small part of her yard flamingo collection. 

I mean, what’s an RV withour flamingos in the front yard?

And Jan also has a yard moose collection, believe it or not.

We also wanted to drive around Daytona Beach where we spent time when we first met in Titusville 42 years ago.

After buying 3 more flamingos, we headed down the road to try out a BBQ place we had seen called Daytona Pig Stand.

These people take BBQ seriously.  Even their street sign smokes!

Pig Stand Sign

Pig Stand Sign

 And I’m sure you’ve seen those people that compete in the BBQ cookoffs and contests where they have the smoker/grill on a customized trailer that they pull behind their truck.

Well, here is what the Pig Stand people have…


Pig Stand Smoker

Pig Stand Smoker

These people are serious!!

After driving the length of A1A on Daytona Beach we headed back north to St. Augustine, stopping off at Walmart for some prescriptions that weren’t ready yesterday, and Tractor Supply Store for a magazine that Jan wanted.

And then after stopping at an auto parts store for more tail light parts, we ended up at Barnes and Noble for books and a Starbucks coffee.

And then back home to the coach.
