Monthly Archives: June 2009

Mojitos & Rainbows…

We left Titusville this morning about 10:45 am heading north for St. John’s RV Park in St. Augustine, FL. 

Since we were traveling up US 1 instead of taking I-95, I figured that that the 105 mile trip would take 3-4 hours since we were going to be driving thru traffic. But the trip was only about 2 1/2 hours.  It was 4 lane all the way and the traffic was much lighter than I had expected.

St. John’s  is a nice little park with concrete pads and long sites. And again, since it’s Passport America we’re only paying $15.00 a night.

St. John's RV Park

St. John's RV Park

After we got settled in and hooked up, we headed out for a late lunch at a place that some friends had recommended called Columbia Restaurant.  

It’s located in the old town historic district and opened in 1905.  It serves Spanish / Cuban food and it was really good.  Jan had a breaded chicken breast dish, and I had a marinated sliced pork loin.  Both delicious!

I also decided to try another mojito. I had one at Cuban restaurant in Downtown Disney and was not impressed.  Mainly because I don’t think it had any alcohol in it.  A mojito is supposed to be made with rum, lime juice, soda, mint, and sugar. 

I think mine had everything but the rum. I mean, no buzz, no tingle, no nuthin’.

But this one today was good. It definitely had rum in it and it made it taste better.

After a big lunch (and the mojito), a nap seemed indicated when we got back to the coach.

We had a really heavy thunderstorm while we were asleep and when we woke up we found this.

Full Double Rainbow

Full Double Rainbow

 I had never seen a one like this.  It was full, double rainbow. You can see the 2nd, fainter one, right above the brighter one. And they both went from horizon to horizon.

It took me two pictures to show it all so I had to paste them together.

All and all, a great day with a beautiful ending…

Last Day in Titusville…

Today was our last full day in Titusville.

Tomorrow morning we’ll head about 100 miles north to St. Augustine, spending 3-4 days there.  Then it’s on to Savannah, GA.

Today we went to lunch at the New Peking Buffet with our new friends, Allen and Jan.  After that, Allen and I worked on my engine AC belt problem.

I’m going to try leaving the engine AC off on the trip to St. Augustine tomorrow to see if the belt stays on when it is not powering the AC.  I may do this for the trip to Savannah too.

We will still have AC on the trip.  I just start up the diesel generator before we leave and run the two rooftop ACs just like we were plugged in.  The generator only uses about a gallon an hour so it’s not a big additional cost.

Luckily, the fix I did to the rear rooftop AC a couple of days ago is still working fine.

Well, I almost washed Mister again in the clothes washer. I don’t know what he sees in it, but every time I turn my back with the washer door open, in he goes.

Mister in Washer...Again

Mister in Washer...Again

We’ve been getting a number of comments about our Roller Coaster picture being spread across the Internet, as I mentioned yesterday. I guess this is our 15 minutes of fame.

More from St. Augustine tomorrow…