Monthly Archives: June 2009

Our Blog has gone viral!…

A friend of ours told us last week that her son’s teacher was showing the class some funny photos online, and before showing one, said that this one was her favorite…

And it was us!!!!



Someone had posted it here…

on May 8th.  We don’t know who posted it, but we love the comments down below.  Be sure and scroll down to read them.

I had originally posted it to our blog here…

on April 13th.

Our friend’s son Spencer said everyone was really laughing at the picture, and then he said “I think I know those people”, and everyone laughed even harder. 

We might not have ever known about it being posted except for Spencer seeing it in his class.

Now that’s really a coincidence

And now for something completely different…

Today turned out to be a rainy, hang-around the coach day.  Then, about 5 pm we headed over to the coach of some new friends we made here, Al and Jan, to go out to dinner at El Leoncito Mexican/Cuban Restaurant here in Titusville.


Home Repairs and a Scenic Drive…

Well, today turned out to be a handyman day.

Last night the rear AC that we normally only use at night quit cooling.  The fan would run, but no cool air came out.

So I got up early to go up on the roof of the coach to look at the unit while it was still cool.  After I got it apart I used a walkie-talkie to have Jan turn the unit on.  And I immediately told her to turn it off.

It was easy to see the problem. The time delay module on top of the start capacitor was turning red hot and starting to smoke.  After pulling the cap and module out, I found the cap had shorted and had started melting the module.

A little Googling told me this was a somewhat common problem for the Coleman AC units on our coach.  Some of the comments said they had trouble finding the part.

I decided to start looking at a small RV dealer down the road in Cocoa called Coastal RV and hit the jackpot the first try.

They had the part, and even had a 2nd one. I bought two figuring that I will need the other one sooner or later for our other AC.

It only took about 20 minutes to install the new part,  button everything up, and test the unit.  And it worked like a charm.  Hopefully it will keep working.

This afternoon Jan and I visited the graves of her mother, father, brother, and niece so she could put some flowers on the graves and tidy things up. Jan’s mother died 2 years ago the 29th of May.

We also drove by her old house and were happy to see it was looking pretty good.  The new owners had made some nice additions.

After lunch we drove back up from Cocoa on the Indian River Rd.  This road runs along the Indian River for about 8 miles north toward Titusville.  It’s a very scenic trip with a lot of nice homes mixed in with some old ones that have been there 50 or more years.

After that it was back to the coach for a nap.