Well, Maybe Not So ‘Old Faithful’ . . .

After dropping down to about 28° last night, it finally crawled up to 33 by about noon. And it looks to be warming up a little over the next few days, at least up to the mid-40’s.

I mentioned yesterday about the alternator in our Jeep going out, so we used our ‘old faithful’ Dodge Dakota truck. But when I tried to go into work this morning, it wasn’t so ‘old faithful’. At least at 28°.

It would crank and start up, but it would only run for about 5-10 seconds before it shut down. So after about 5 tries, I gave up and went back inside to get warm.

But when I called into work, no one was there. Turns out that Jennifer, the office manager, who lives in our area, still hadn’t gone into the office because she was waiting for the roads to clear.

So I guess I wasn’t missed.

I got a call from my neurosurgeon’s office yesterday to schedule my 3 month checkup after my cervical spine fusion back in November. But this time it’s a 2 parter.

I go in this coming Tuesday afternoon for a series of Xrays. Then on Monday, Valentine’s Day, I go in for the consultation with Alexandria, my P.A. Don’t know why it’s different this time, but for my 2 month checkup, they did both at the same time.

One thing I’m looking forward to is that supposedly I can start taking Advil again, and my 20# lift limit will go away. Right now I can only take Tylenol, which has never worked for me.

One thing I want to discuss with her is about getting a lumbar laminectomy sometime in the near future. In other words, fixing the problems with my lower back.

Originally I was hoping that all my problems were caused by my cervical stenosis and bone spurs. But while my hands and arms are improving steadily, my legs have not improved much over the last few months. They still feel rubbery and weak, and I’m not comfortable walking very far without having my walking stick in hand.

Walking Stick

Note, it’s not a cane. It’s a walking stick. Just sayin’.

What I really worried about with the laminectomy is the recover time, i.e., how soon I can be up and about, drive again, etc.

Guess I’ll know more next Monday.

Thought For The Day:

Good Witch or Bad Witch

