Daily Archives: March 22, 2022

Live Long and Prosper!

And A Nice Surprise!

We were on our way up to Conroe a little after 10am to meet up with the Conroe Bunch at the Golden Corral there. Jan and I got there about 11:35 with Janice and Dave Evans showing up a few minutes later, followed by Debi and Ed Hurlburt.

When we got there, Janice said we needed a table for 8, not for just the 6 of us.


And that was the surprise. A few minutes later long-time friends Eldy Tompkins and Jeannie Sparks walked in.

We first met them at a rally in 2010 and have met up a number of other times around the country, as far off as Oregon. So it was good to catch up.

They full-timed for 3 years in a motorhome, then sold their rig, and bought a house in Florida where they lived for 7 years. But then they were re-infected with Hitch-Itch, sold their house, bought a 5th wheel and hit the road again.

Golden Corral Bunch 20220322

From left to right: Ed, Debi, Jeannie, Jan, Janice, Dave, and Eldy.

We were all talking about the bad weather and heavy rain . . . and hail last night. Though we only got about an inch of rain, and a lot of thunder and lightning this morning, up north in the Conroe area, they got it a lot worse.

We said our goodbyes about 2 and were back on the road towards home. And just like our trip up, there was a minimal amount of traffic and we had a smooth trip home, getting there about 3:30. After a stop at Cowboy Coffee for Sugar-Free Hazelnut Lattes, of course.

Live Long and Prosper –

Today is William Shatner’s Birthday. He’s 91.

Shatner 91

Looks really good for 91. Of course people lived longer in the 25th century.

Thought For The Day:

Kirk vs Gorn

