Leprechauns. Who Knew? . . .

Jan and I headed out a little before 1pm, with our first stop at the Home Depot for a new wall toggle switch for our water heater. I wanted one that lights up when it’s on, but when I checked Amazon I didn’t see one I liked, at a price I liked. So I checked Home Depot and found one for $4.65. Website said it was on Aisle 8, Bin 10.

It actually was in Bin 8, right next door. But close enough.

Then it was on up to Twin Peaks for lunch. I told Jan that today being St. Patrick’s Day, I wouldn’t be surprised if the servers were all dressed as leprechauns.

What I didn’t realize is how skimpily dressed the leprechauns would be. Which is why there are no photos.

Sylvia, our regular waitress, wasn’t working today, so we had a new one, Victoria. Now if it had been Sylvia, I would have asked for a photo, but felt funny asking for one from someone we didn’t know at all.

This was another of those days when Jan says the place should be called ‘Twin Cheeks’.

But I did get photos of our food, especially since we both got something different this time.

After starting out with cup of their Tomato Basil, Jan got the Avocado Smash Burger and side of Sautéed Green Beans.

Twin Peaks Jan 20220317

I got a bowl of the Green Chile Chicken, as well as a couple of sides, the Sautéed Broccoli and the Sautéed Green Beans.

Twin Peaks Greg 20220317

The Green Beans are really good, with diced tomatoes, onions, corn, and bacon mixed in.

Just as we were finishing up, who should walk in and sit down at the table right next to us, Sylvia and another young lady.

I didn’t recognize her at first, since she was in civilian clothes, her hair was up in a ponytail, and she was wearing a visor cap.

It says something about the place when the servers come back on their day off.

Leaving TP, we drove over to get my haircut. Except there was a sign on the door saying they were closed for Spring Break and wouldn’t reopen until the 23rd. So it will have to wait until next week, I guess.

Getting home around 3:15, I got my new switch installed and checked out.

New Water Heater Switch

Looks good.

Thought For The Day:

Sometimes the 2nd Choice is the best.

Amazon was originally called ‘Cadabra’ (as in Abracadabra) but people kept calling it ‘Cadaver’. So Jeff Bezos changed it to Amazon.

Starbucks was originally called ‘Pequod’s’ after the whaling ship in ‘Moby Dick, or The Whale’ (which is the actual full name of the novel). But one of the founding partners thought it made it sound like they were selling ‘pee’. So they changed it to Starbucks, the trusty first mate on the Pequod.

