More Beans . . .

A few months back I mentioned that I had purchased this WiFi-Controlled Water Faucet Switch so that I could turn off/on the shore water without going outside. But it was only yesterday that I got around to getting it set up and installed.

BHyve Water Switch

B-Hyve Smart Faucet Switch

And it was probably the easiest setup of a WiFi/Internet device I’ve come across. But that did not extend to adding to my Alexa system.

I tried following their guide which didn’t work at all, so I tried a couple of other ways I’ve used in the past, finally getting it to where Alexa recognized the commands and says it had turned the switch on, but it didn’t work.

But I could still turn the switch on/off manually. So this morning I sent an email to the company’s tech support to ask for help.

What I got back was from ‘Matthew’, who said, “I do not have any access to any of the Alexa app information but I can help you out the best I can with getting your Alexa compatibility to show up in our app.”

So he knows less about it than I do, but he’s going to help?

I’ll let you know how it goes.

A couple of weeks ago when we were coming back from Spring after meeting up with our friend’s Debi and Ed, I glanced over at the location of The Catch just north of Almeda Mall, and thought I saw a For Lease sign on the storefront. And when I checked after we got home, I found that, unfortunately, I was right. According to Google, it is Permanently Closed.

It always seemed busy when we were there, but it was kind of hard to get there. You had to work at it.

I know they were looking for a location down in our area, so I hope this closing doesn’t put the kibosh on that.

And just to stir up things, there’s this.

Texas red chili purists are wrong. Beans do belong in chili, and historically, they’ve always been there

An article in the Sept. 14, 1877 edition of the Fort Scott Daily Monitor penned by an anonymous writer visiting San Antonio from Kansas gives one of the earliest published descriptions of chili.

“Speaking of hot things, at San Antonio they have a dish called chili con carne,” the article reads. “It is of Mexican origin, and is composed of beef, peas, gravy and red pepper. It is awful seductive looking, and gives a fellow the idea that he has a soft thing on hash. They always have enough to go around, for no stranger, no matter how terrific a durned fool he is, ever calls for a second dish. He almost always calls for a big cistern full of water, and you can’t put the water in him fast enough with a steam engine hose.”

The historian wrote that bean’s were often called ‘peas’ back then.

So let the Bean Wars began again.

Thought For The Day:

Don’t You Just Hate It When That Happens!

Box of human heads stolen from parked freight truck in Denver