Monthly Archives: March 2022

Just An Error?

My new water tank ball valve should be here tomorrow from Amazon.

New Water Tank Ball Valve

It’s a little shorter than the original one, but I think there’s enough slack in the piping to make it work. But if not I can always put in some spacer pieces.

I did check outside after our showers and found no evidence of any leaks, so, so far so good.

I’ll try to install the new valve, as well as my 4 port hose splitter on Tuesday. Maybe.

Jan and I headed out about 1pm, with, unusually, a few errands before we were going to have lunch. Our first stop was at the UPS Store next to the HEB to drop off an Amazon return. We wanted to do it first since the close earlier on Sunday.

Next up was the nearby Home Depot to pick up a couple of things, before ending up at the big Goodwill store right next to the WalMart. Jan was looking for a couple of things, but didn’t find anything that caught her eye.

After that it was over to the Denny’s right across the street, and the reason for delaying lunch.

Denny’s is very, very busy on Sunday mornings/early afternoons, but we’ve learned that if we wait until after 2pm, we can get right in.

I do have a correction about our last visit to Denny’s. Or maybe it was Denny’s correction.

The last time we were here I noticed that our Ultimate Omelets, previously $10.99, had jumped to $16.49. So today when we sat down, I looked at the menu and it said the Ultimate Omelet was still $10.99. Now I know our receipt last said Ultimate Omelet, so the only thing I can see is that someone mistakenly mispriced the omelet. So just an error.

And when we got our bill today, it said $10.99 each.


Finally our last stop was HEB for next week’s groceries. And then we were home by about 3:30.

Our son-in-law Lowell posted this photo, saying that the pool is open for the summer.

Brandi's Pool Landon & Sophie 20220326

Looks like Landon, and probably his BFF Sophie, are enjoying the warmer weather.

Thought For The Day:

Looks like it’s been a lot hotter in the past.
15,000 Year Climate Temps



We Have A Date . . .

First up, I want to thank everyone for their concern about my BPPV attack. It faded as the day went on, and was gone by this morning, just as it the past.

I went out early this morning to try and remove my shore water inlet check valve. It turned out to be both harder and easier than I had expected, mainly because my fingers don’t quite have the strength that they did back in 2013 when I last replaced this.

RV Water Inlet Check Valve

I got the old one out and the new one in, but I couldn’t get it tightened down without a Crescent wrench. However it was about time for us to head out for lunch/errands so I’ll finish it up this afternoon.

Lunch today was the Pho Barr up in Webster once again. And now we have a date.

The new Pho Barr down in our area is supposed to open next Saturday, April 2nd.  So I guess we’ll see next weekend.

After finishing up our shopping errands and we were back home I used a Crescent wrench to tighten down the fittings on the new inlet/check valve. And now it looks like that problem is fixed. There are no leaks, shore water now goes in, and no water comes out when there’s nothing hooked up to it. So the check valve part is working. I’ll finish mounting it tomorrow.

I said ‘that problem’ was fixed because I have another one that I found when I was working on this one.

Water Tank Ball Valve

This is the ball valve that diverts shore water into our 100 gallon fresh water tank to fill it up. When the handle is straight up, like in the photo, shore water works as usual. But when the valve is turned down to the left, water is sent to the tank. However now when the valve is in the tank fill position, a stream of water, kind of like what comes out of a squirt gun, comes out the back of the valve.

The exact replacement, is now only sold in Europe, but I found one on Amazon (of course) that should work, and will be here on Monday.

It’s always something.

Thought For The Day:

Works For Me!

Evacuation Plan

