‘Q and more . . .

After a quiet morning, we were off to Gator’s Bar & Grill a little before 1pm.

Jan got her usual Strawberry Walnut Salad,

Gator's Strawberry Walnut Salad 20220220

while I got my favorite Baked Potato Soup, but this time I added a Side Salad.

Gator's Soup & Salad 20220310

We had planned to split one of their Keto Blueberry Muffins, as we often do. But this time it turns out we were too full.

Maybe next time.

Next up, we stopped off at our storeroom to go through things, and bag up a lot of the small, loose stuff. We wanted to make it easier for things to be moved when we switch storeroom companies in the near future.

We used these large Ziplock bags that even have carrying handles.

Ziplock Large Bags

Large Ziplock Bags

Most everything else are in large and small bins so they won’t be hard to move.

Finishing up, we made an HEB stop for a few items, followed by Cowboy Coffee for Sugar-Free Hazelnut Lattes, Jan’s with Almond Milk, and mine with regular milk. Always great coffee.

And then after a PO stop, we were back at the rig by about 3:30pm.

If I didn’t stir people up enough with Beans or No Beans controversy, how about  the 26 best BBQ places in Memphis, TN?

26 Best BBQ Places in Memphis

And Jan and I have eaten at 3 of them, numbers 8, 5, and 2.

#8 Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q

#5 Charles Vergos’ Rendezvous


#2 The BBQ Shop

And though it’s not actually in Memphis, TN, but in West Memphis, AR right across the Mississippi River, Ray’s World-Famous BBQ is at the top of a lot of people’s lists, including ours.

I’ll give you more details about our visits to all these in tomorrow’s blog.

Thought For The Day:

Dipsticks in DC

