Under The Weather . . .

With my new shore water inlet coming in this morning, and my new hose splitter coming in this afternoon, I had planned to get them both installed after I came home from work today. But life intervened.

Or at least a bout of BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) did.

So not only didn’t I work on my plumbing problem today, I didn’t go in to work at the office either.

Wasn’t sure I could drive in a straight line.

So hopefully tomorrow. But we’ll see.

Besides that tomorrow we’ve got a bunch of errands on our list, starting with a quick stop at Home Depot, and then on up to Pho Barr for lunch.

And then it’s a swing by the office to pick up some paperwork, before WalMart, Sam’s, and then Costco on the way home.

Busy, busy, busy.

Not much else today, since I mostly slept, the only time my head wasn’t spinning.

Thought For The Day:

Caution Low Flying Aircraft