Daily Archives: November 12, 2017

Made In The Shade . . .

I noticed that, unlike our previous movie dates, Jan didn’t seem especially enthusiastic about going to see Blade Runner 2049. I figured that at least part of the problem was the fact that the movie itself is 2 hours, 44 minutes long. So with coming attractions, we’d probably be looking at over 3 hours.

And since the movie didn’t even start until 4:40pm, it would be almost 8pm before we were out, and going on  9pm before we got home. And since Jan often falls asleep on the sofa around 7:30, the movie might be problematic.

So I asked her to tell me the truth, did she really want to see the movie? After hesitating a couple of seconds and said, “Noooo.” She then said she was only going because she knew I wanted to see it, and in fact, she didn’t even like the first one. She said it was too dark and dismal, and it was always raining. Well, that’s the first I’m hearing about it in the 25 years since it came out.

I mean, how can you not like “Time to Die” speech?

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die.

What a lot of people don’t know is that Rutger Hauer, playing replicant Roy Batty, ad-libbed a large part of this. The scripted speech was much longer, but Hauer cut out most of the lines, and then added in the last two lines, leaving this.

Made In The Shade . . . I noticed that, unlike our previous movie dates, Jan didn’t seem especially enthusiastic about going to see Blade Runner 2049. I figured that at least part of the problem was the fact that the movie itself is 2 hours, 44 minutes long. So with coming attractions, we’d probably be looking at over 3 hours.

And since the movie didn’t even start until 4:40pm, it would be almost 8pm before we were out, and going on  9pm before we got home. And since Jan often falls asleep on the sofa around 7:30, the movie might be problematic.

So I asked her to tell me the truth, did she really want to see the movie? After hesitating a couple of seconds and said, “Noooo.” She then said she was only going because she knew I wanted to see it, and in fact, she didn’t even like the first one. She said it was too dark and dismal, and it was always raining. Well, that’s the first I’m hearing about it in the 25 years since it came out.

I mean, how can you not like “Time to Die” speech?

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die.

What a lot of people don’t know is that Rutger Hauer, playing replicant Roy Batty, ad-libbed a large part of this. The scripted speech was much longer, but Hauer cut out most of the lines, and then added in the last two lines, leaving this.

It’s been said that at the end of the scene, after a few moments of stunned silence, the film crew erupted in applause, amid a lot of tears.

I may just catch the 10am show by myself Wednesday morning if I can.

Since the movie wouldn’t be taking up our afternoon, I decided this would be a good time to remove one of our window awnings to see about getting new ones made for our rig. I figured I’d take down one of the small rear window ones to take into a local shop.

First off I started by clamping the flange that connects to the torsion spring. This allows me to control the unwinding of the spring.

Awning Fabric Removal 1

Next I removed the screw that fastens the flange to the tube.

Awning Fabric Removal 2

Then I pulled the flange off the arm while holding the vice grips to keep the spring from unwinding. After lowering the arm to the side of the rig, I carefully unwound the spring, counting the turns so I would know how many turns to rewind it.

Awning Fabric Removal 3

At this point I put the now-loosened flange back on the arm.

Awning Fabric Removal 4

This let me now drill out the rivets so I could remove the spring.

Awning Fabric Removal 5

Awning Fabric Removal 6

Now pulling the tube from the other end, I could pull it off the bottom of the awning fabric.

Awning Fabric Removal 7

So now I should have been able to pull the fabric off the top rail, but it wouldn’t budge. So I removed the screw right above the rail that holds the first link of the cover in place.

Awning Fabric Removal 8

This let me pull the fabric and the cover segment out from the other side.

Awning Fabric Removal 9

This let me see that the reason the fabric wouldn’t come out is the fact that the rail was crimped on each end.

Awning Fabric Removal 10

Normally if they want to lock the fabric in place they just use a small screw through the rail and into the fabric.

But after I use a screwdriver and a pair of pliers to open the channel, the fabric slide right out.

Awning Fabric Removal 11

So Tuesday, I’ll take it over to a marine canvas shop in Kemah to see what they can do. So hopefully the rig will soon look like this.

Beauty New Awnings 468

Tomorrow it’s back to work.

Passport America, Save 50% on Campsites

The Word of the Day is:  Shilly-shally

Thought for the Day:

Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it. – Jane Wagner
