Daily Archives: July 3, 2019

Happy 4th of July Eve . . .

Leaving work a little early, I first went by WalMart and then Sam’s Club for our prescriptions, as well as gassing up at Sam’s at $2.15 a gallon. Then it was on the way home.

Though I didn’t come home that way, Jennifer, our Office Manager, says that the I-45/FM646 underpass is now open, a couple of months early. Now if they’d just get the onramp to I-45N from 646 open again.

Though normally we eat at home at Wednesday’s, since it’s a holiday weekend we headed over to FM517 to have dinner at Los Ramirez Mexican Restaurant once again. Great as usual.

I went ahead and ordered seven more ignition coils from Amazon for our truck. I was hoping that O’Reilly’s would match the Amazon price, but no such luck. And that’s probably because there’s a big difference between O’Reilly’s price and Amazon’s.

O’Reilly’s charges $29.99 for the SMP Blue Streak UF270 coils while Amazon has the exact same coils for $16.47 each, a difference of $13.52 each, or over $94 total.

Blue Streak UF270 coil

That’s a big savings.

The coils won’t be here until Monday, so I’ll probably go ahead the install the new plugs this weekend, and then do the coils next week when they come in, since they go pretty quickly.

If the weather holds tomorrow we’re thinking about heading over to Friendswood for their 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks. We used to attend this all the time, but it’s been years now.

Thought for the Day: 

“History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.” – Abba Eban
