Beauty No More . . .
While Jan spent the morning finishing up our friend Nick Russell’s latest book, I worked on a new website for a client, and played around with our new Jetpack MiFi.
I finished The Gecko In The Corner day before yesterday and then Jan started. Since it’s a Kindle book we can’t read it at the same time, even on different Kindles, since it tries to jump you back and forth between your two stopping places.
Gecko is a kind of a slightly new genre for Nick, being not a murder mystery whodunit, but more in the thriller category. With still a bunch of murders, of course.
Another 5✰ book from Nick Russell. Check it out.
After lunch, later in the afternoon, I went outside to cut out the crimped section of my genset’s exhaust pipe.
The pipe was twisted toward the front of the rig, which could only have happened as the rig backing up.and the pipe hung up on something. But then something caused it to be bent back to the rear, crimping the pipe.
I used my jigsaw with a metal blade to cut the pipe off above the crimp, the only problem being that the blade was a little too short to cut straight through so I had to rotate the saw around the pipe until I was done.
Then I took the crimped piece back to the picnic table and cut off the crimp.
Monday I’ll take the pipe down to Home Depot to find a coupling and maybe an extension piece to be sure the replacement extends out past the side of the coach like it’s supposed to to vent the exhaust fumes.
When we bought our coach the end 2007 and picked it up January 6, 2008, Jan immediately named it ‘Beauty’. And when I set up our first Cradlepoint Aircard router I named our WiFi SSID ‘Beauty’ and it’s been that way ever since.
Until now.
Our new WiFi SSID is now ‘Verizon-MiFi7730L-7901”. I think I can change it but I’ve already connected my Galaxy S5 phone, my desktop computer, my laptop computer, 4 Kindles, an Amazon Echo, an Amazon Dot, and a Galaxy Tab 4. So I’ll wait a while to change the SSID to ‘Beauty’ because I’ll have to do this all over again.
Jan is going to take over my old S5 to replace her LG Revere flip phone, with just changing the S5 to her old phone number all that’s needed.
Depending on the time of day, I get somewhere between 10 and 25 Mbps. After getting used to pages coming up on 3G, they now seem almost instantaneous.
Very nice.
Thought for the Day:
“The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.” – Robert Conquest