Jan Won’t Share . . .

Well, things are really looking up. The Duncan Glass guy showed up about 9:30 and got right to work. In fact, he had the windshield out in about 10 minutes and started cleaning the broken glass out of the gasket groove.

Windshield Replacement 2

Since everything started earlier and faster than we had figured, and we now had a big hole in the front of our rig, I called our hotel to see if we could get in earlier, and was told we could. So we headed up to the Quality Inn just east of downtown Prescott.

By the time we were leaving the dealership, the guy had both windshields out  and was refitting the gasket in place.

Windshield Replacement 1

This Quality Inn just reopened a couple of weeks ago after a complete remodel, and it really shows. Even though Quality Inn is not really considered a top of the line hotel, this one certainly ranks way up there. Very, very nice, and pet friendly too.

Jan and I pretty much zoned out the rest of the afternoon, me especially. I hadn’t gone to bed until after 3am and was up about 7am this morning, so I napped while Jan read and napped.

In fact I napped so good, I ‘overnapped’. I had planned for us to head back to the repair place about 4:30 to find out how things were going before everyone left for the day. But since I ‘overnapped’, we didn’t get there before everyone cleared out.

But we did find this.

Windshield Replacement 3

A brand new windshield.

Don’t know yet exactly how long it took him, but he did in one day or less, what took 2 guys three days last year in Elkhart.

I’ll find out tomorrow where we stand on the rest of the repairs, i.e. airbag, wiring, etc. But it looks like there’s still a possibility we might be on our way by the end of the week.


Leaving Affinity RV we made our 3rd visit to Beijing Garden, our favorite local Chinese place. And it was still as good as ever.

But that may be because we’ve always ordered the exact same thing. Why mess with success?

Beijing Garden Chicken

Spicy Orange Crispy Chicken, extra spicy, of course. The only difference is that Jan gets Steamed Rice and I get the Brown Rice.

Silence the doubters! Put your big idea online! $.99 .Com Domains from GoDaddy!

But when it came to dessert, Jan wouldn’t share. Last time we split an order of their delicious Green Tea Ice Cream.

Green Tea Ice Cream

But Jan very quickly told me she wasn’t sharing this time, and I had to get my own ice cream.

Well, that wasn’t very nice.


Thought for the Day:

Climate is what you predict. Weather is what you get.
