Mister Finally Earns His Keep . . .

After our busy day yesterday, we slept in and just vegged out today. About 2pm Jan fixed us up some of the Hog Wild BBQ we brought home from Cottonwood yesterday.

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Ribs, Pulled Pork, BBQ Beans, Coleslaw, and Potato Slaw and we have enough left for a 2nd meal later. We always get the Sampler Platter which gives us some of everything. YUMM!

Mister finally did something last night that he never has in the 9 or so years we’ve had him. He killed a mouse . . . and brought it to me.

Jan noticed a week ago that she thought she saw some signs of mouse visitation, so a few days ago I set out three traps baited with peanut butter. But until yesterday we had no hits.

So after being gone yesterday on our Jerome/Cottonwood day trip, I was working on my blog last night when Mister came up to my chair and patted me on the leg with his paw. Now normally this means he wants up in my lap, so without looking down, I turned slightly and tapped my leg for him to jump up.

But he didn’t. After a few seconds, he patted my leg again, this time giving me some claws, and again, I tapped for him to jump  Nothing, just another tap, with more claws.

So finally I looked down and there Mister sat, proudly looking up at me, with a mouse dangling from his mouth. Then when he saw I was looking down at him, he dropped the mouse, and used his paw to push it toward me.

Awwww!  Mister brought me a present.

He would look up at me and then push the mouse around with his paw. Grabbing up a paper towel, I scooped up the mouse and put it in the trash can. Then, remembering I hadn’t checked the traps today, I found two of them now occupied. So after taking all 3 intruders out to the dumpster, I rebaited the traps to see what shows up again.

Since we’ve been here for over six weeks, I would assume we got them here, since we haven’t seen any sign of them before now. And hopefully we won’t see any more before we finally leave.

Whenever that is.


Thought for the Day:

“I like nonsense — it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope…and that enables you to laugh at all of life’s realities.” – Theodor S. Geisel
