Monthly Archives: November 2021

Immersed Again . . .

We were on way over to Gator’s in Dickinson about 12:30. We were meeting up with long-time friend Tricia.

Tricia at Gator's 2021120

We’ve known Tricia since I started working on her computers in the late 90’s, but neither of us can remember how we got together in the first place.

Back then, besides websites, I did computer support for a lot of individuals and small businesses, all pretty much by word of mouth, and had all the business I could handle.

But we just can’t recall who recommended me to her. But we’ve been friends ever since.

When we got there owner Margie was out front with some of her people decorating the place for Christmas. And by the time we came back out, they had finished and it looked really nice.

Gator's at Christmas

You’ll notice that the blue is the predominant color. And that’s because Marjorie’s husband is the Dickinson fire chief. Margie is also a volunteer firefighter. So they have a lot of both police and fire visiting the restaurant.

Back The Blue

After saying our goodbyes to Trisha, we headed on up the interstate to the American Furniture Warehouse store, an enormous place just south of Webster. And it’s been there for a year or so now really big. We’d already checked out their business office chairs online and it looked like they had something we were going to be interested in.

After reading a lot of reviews, I had decided that I wanted to look at one of their gaming chairs, and it turned out that they had the one in stock, so I could do a sit-test and then decide what I was going to do.

Respawn Chair

And I think this Respawn RSP-100 gaming chair is what I’m going to order when the time comes. It really feels comfortable, it has an adjustable foot rest and will recline all the way back. So I really looking forward to getting it installed. But I’ve got to get the old chair and the mounting plate out first.

Tomorrow we’re meeting Brandi, Lowell, Landon, and his friend Adam at the Marq’E Entertainment Center, first for lunch at Russo’s Pizza, and then our second Van Gogh Immersive event.

Thought For The Day:

Sometimes being a successful adult is not killing someone just because you feel like it.



A Quickie . . . Blog

I have my follow-up appointment with my neurosurgeon this coming Monday afternoon, about 11 days after my surgery. Hopefully he will allow me to remove the ‘collar of shame’ a few days early so Jan won’t have keep driving me into work next week.

But we’ll see.

Tomorrow we’re meeting our long-time friend Tricia at Gator’s for lunch. Then it’s on up to the Staples in Webster to look at orthopedic business chairs. The captains chair at my computer desk is pretty much worn out.

Rig Computer Chair

And since we don’t really plan on traveling in the rig anymore, we figured a recliner would work fine and and give me a lot more support.

But I’ll have to get someone to help me get the old chair out, and then remove the base plate from the floor. I’ve seen an RV Handyman van around so I’ll try to track him down.

But before that I want to actually test-sit in potential candidates before I order something. Then I’ll probably order it online and have it delivered so I don’t have to try and wrestle it in and out of the Jeep.

If I even could.

I hit another recovery goal today, by opening a Coke can pop tab with my bare fingers, instead of having to use a fork.

Next up, wearing jeans again. About 3 weeks ago I had to switch over to sweats because I could no longer button/unbutton them, and even worse, I couldn’t zip/unzip them either.

Thought For The Day:

“Any organization is only as good as the worst psycho they will tolerate.”

