Daily Archives: March 9, 2019

It Was Fun While It Lasted …

And Cheaper too!

The weather held off long enough for me to get one of my rig’s windshield wipers replaced, which involved replacing the hardware on the wiper arms themselves. But when I have to replace them next time, probably two years from now, it will only take me a couple of minutes per wiper, rather than the hour or so that it has taken in the past.

We headed out about 1pm with our first stop at Cheddars for lunch, our usual Key West Chicken & Shrimp for Jan, and the Veggie Plate with a bowl of Chicken Tortilla Soup for me.  Then it was a quick stop at my client’s for some Amazon stuff that came in after I left work yesterday.

After that it was right down the street to the HEB to pick up some of their Lola Savannah Texas Pecan Coffee, and a couple of things for Jan. Next up was a stop at WalMart and then Sam’s Club for a prescription and a fill-up for the truck.

Just a month or so ago, gas here was $1.74. Then last week it was $1.88. And today it was up to $2.05. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Tomorrow morning we’re meeting some good friends for breakfast at the IHOP over in Seabrook. Now Jan and I are not really morning ‘breakfast’ people. We’re more early or late afternoon ‘breakfast’ people. So you can tell that they’re REALLY, REALLY good friends since we’re meeting them at 8:45 in the morning.

I mentioned earlier that our idea to extend our stays in Paris and London had fallen victim to scheduling and, well, more money than we really wanted to pay due to cancellation charges.

But as usual, we have a backup plan. We’re going to forget about staying extra days in Paris, and concentrate on a possible London extension for the 3 days. It then basically just depends on getting flight home changed without paying United’s outrageous ticket change fees. So we’ll play it by ear once we’re there, maybe by getting ourselves bumped to a later flight.

We’ll see.

Several readers have asked about our cruise route, so here’s a map,

Viking Cruise Map

It’s 3 rivers, the Danube, the Main, and the Rhine, 4 countries, Hungry, Austria, and Germany, and The Netherlands, and 13 stops in 15 days.

Don’t forget to Spring Forward tonight/tomorrow morning.

Thought for the Day:

How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
