Monthly Archives: March 2019

Taking It For Granite . . .

It was 37° at 5am this morning and down to 32° at 7am. And it didn’t start actually warming up till about 11am, all the way up to 40. And that was about it.

Jan and I spent the morning looking at luggage for our trip. Someone recommended this set,

Trip Suitcases

European Trip Luggage

and the reviews look pretty good. Though it is always kind of funny to see 50 people say how tough the luggage is, and how they schlepped it all over Europe or Africa with no problem, and there’s usually one review that says that it’s a piece of crap and it broke the first time they used it.

The set comes in 4 other colors, black, dark blue, orange, and purple. I guess the black and red set are the most popular, since they are $10 –$14 higher in cost.  But even they are only about $50 for the set.

Turns out that even the larger piece is sized for carry-on, as of course is the smaller one. Turns out that Lufthansa allows us 1 piece of checked luggage and 1 piece of carry-on luggage, plus of course a shoulder bag, purse, or laptop bag. And that’s for each of us.

So what we’re thinking about is two sets of these, and then borrow a larger piece from Brandi to check in.

We’ll  probably wait until the first of April to order since we’ve got to store it somewhere, probably in the storeroom after we do some trial packing.

And speaking about the first part of April, looks like April 5th – April 8th is the date for everyone’s visit up to Chris and Linda’s in Kingsland, along  with Brandi, Lowell, Landon, and Miss Piper. And we’re taking the rig up there, leak fixed or not. I don’t want to let it sit for longer than about 5 months without taking it on the road.

Hopefully  the weather will cooperate and I’ll be able to get the filter replaced and local test drive done before than, but I’ve already got reservations at the Granite Rock RV Park in Kingsland, so the rig is going up there one way or the other.

As I had figured, a couple of hours after UPS picked up my defective Brother FAX machine return to Amazon this afternoon, I got notice that they had already refunded the $140 to my card. Nice.

Thought for the Day: 

Nothing emboldens the wicked so greatly as the lack of courage on the part of the good — Leo XIII


Easy Peasy. . . .

Today, in another step forward, I managed to drag my client kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

After setting up the return of the defective Brother FAX machine to Amazon, I fast-talked my client into switching over to a online FAX service instead of ordering a replacement machine.

I use MyFax for faxes and have for years. They give me both a local and a toll-free number, and for $10 I can send 100 pages and receive 200 pages a month. And I have never come close to hitting those limits. And I doubt my client will either, since they only send and receive a few faxes a week.

But my client already has both local and toll-free numbers and didn’t want to change them so I checked to see if we could use our own numbers and found that we could transfer them. So then I called Spectrum VOIP, where we get our phone/internet service, to see what that would entail. And found a whole ‘nother solution.

Turns out Spectrum has their own fax service, and since we were already paying for the fax machine interface,  the service was free. So a few minutes later they had reconfigured our two numbers to the online service and we were good to go.

In case you have used one of the these services, you receive faxes as a  PDF file in a email, which you can print out or not as needed. To send a fax you just enter the phone number followed by in the TO:  field. Then enter the Subject, and your text in the Body. If needed you can attach a document in pretty much any format, i.e., Word, Excel, JPG, PDF, etc.

Easy Peasy.

Amazon also made sending the fax machine back easy peasy. I just went back to the product order page, clicked Return or Replace Item, chose Item Defective or Doesn’t Work, and described what was wrong with it in the Comment box.

Then I clicked on UPS pickup at the office and a refund onto my debit card. Finally all I had to do was to pack it up back into the original box and I was done. The UPS guy will bring the label when he picks it up. And if it’s like they’ve done in the past, as soon as the box is logged into the UPS system as ‘picked up’, I will receive my refund.

Again, Easy Peasy.

Jan is not never easy to buy for, but occasionally I score big. She does like earrings, especially dangly ones. Now in reading over our upcoming trip FAQS, it says that there are no formal nights, but recommended evening dress is ‘elegant casual’. Now to me that sounds kind of like  “jumbo shrimp’, ‘boneless ribs’, or ‘limited nuclear war’.

So I found and ordered these for her.


Certainly looks elegantly casual to me.

What do you think?

Thought for the Day:

Knowledge is knowing how. Wisdom is knowing when.
