Monthly Archives: March 2019

You Can’t Get There From Here . . .

If you haven’t been able to tell, we’re having blog problems again. But this time it’s a problem with the Brava theme that I use.

For right now, no blog emails are being send out either, but I’m working on it.

Today was another of those work days that I spent running around doing a lot of little things, but mostly updating prices on the website and the paper catalog.

Since the Sterex month-long sale ended at midnight last night, they always raise their prices the next day. And  they have a lot of product lines, and different sizes of each product, so a lot of prices to change.

I also set up and configured a new Brother FAX machine that came in yesterday. I’ll get it programmed and installed tomorrow afternoon while I’m killing time when Jan and Piper are doing the Mani-Pedi thing.

When I checked our Viking flight info online this morning, I found they now had us coming home on United from London/Heathrow on May 23rd, instead of coming home on May 15 from Amsterdam.

But for some reason they also changed our outgoing flight also. Originally we were going out on KLM #662 to Amsterdam, and then on to Budapest after a 3 hour layover.

Now we’re going out on Lufthansa #441 to Frankfort, and then on to Budapest after 3 hour 55 minute layover.

Not a big deal, but just curious why the change. I sent off an email to Chantelle Nugent, our travel agent to find out why.

But at least everything is correct now.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, we had a great time getting together with Janice and Dave Evans, and checking their new Sticks & Bricks, along with Debi and Ed Hurlburt.

And we also got to get to know Roy and Nancy Lackey a little better. We first met them at Peter’s BBQ over near the Colorado River Thousand Trails a while back so it was good to see them again.

But we almost didn’t make it. Our Garmin GPS led us on a really wild goose chase, complete with actual ‘geese’.  At least there were some in a yard we passed, along with ducks, pheasants, and goats.

I had entered the address that Janice gave me for their new house near Trinity, TX and off we went on the 125 mile trip. Passing through Trinity, we turned out on 356. We knew they lived out in the country, but at some point we thought we might start hearing banjos.

We were on and off dirt roads, and one road that used to be paved, but large sections had cracked away, leaving big pot holes the size of the truck. Finally the GPS said their place was right around the next bend in the dirt road we were on. But making the corner we found this.

GPS 53 Mockingbird Lane Gate 1

So now I had to back up for about 200 yards on the one-lane dirt road, and then let the Garmin try another route. And then we got this.

GPS 53 Mockingbird Lane Gate 2

At this point, giving up on the Garmin, I ‘OK’d Google’ and she told me that their address back down 356 on the other side of the road, and inside a gated community. And 15 minutes later we were there. So in some cases you really can’t get there from here.

I did get my Zoom Scope in yesterday, but beyond opening the box, I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet.

Zoom Scope

I’ll let you know.

I also mentioned yesterday that when we got home I found that our refrigerator had lost power. In doing some checking I found that the circuit breaker at the bottom of the bed had gone all ‘mushy’ inside and kept popping. So I got it working again by running an extension cord to the plug in the outside compartment.

When I was looking at the breaker panel, I did noticed that there was another identical 15 amp breaker right underneath the one that controls the fridge. And as far as I could tell it wasn’t hooked up to anything. Or at least nothing went off when I flipped it.

Refrigerator Circuit Breaker

So hoping I could just move the fridge wires to down to that one, rather than replacing the other one, I put in a call to American Coach Support who confirmed that, as I thought, it was just a placeholder to balance out the panel on the other side. So I’ll pull the panel and swap the wires around in the near future.

Just another thing on the list, I  guess.

As I mentioned above, tomorrow afternoon we’re meeting Miss Piper at SnoozeAM for brunch, and then she and Jan are going to get Mani-Pedi’s.

Really looking forward to seeing her.

Thought for the Day:

Life is prickly – carry tweezers.
