Monthly Archives: November 2019

40° and Raining . . .

With a full schedule of errands Jan and I were on our way up to Webster to have first have brunch at Snooze once again. One of our favorite places, and we go often enough so we’re recognized every time.

Next up was a stop at the Webster Post Office for Christmas stamps. There was a line out the lobby door and only one clerk working. So it was a slow process, but it was sped up by the fact that several people got fed up and just left.

Then it was on up the Interstate for WalMart visit for a few things. I did get a slightly larger tarp to cover the truck windshield. I’m hoping that this won’t be needed, since I really hoping that my oil leak is fixed. But it makes such a mess of the windshield that it’s worth not taking a chance.

Next up was stop right across the street at the Sam’s for fill up the truck. The price has been holding steady at $1.97 for a few weeks now. And probably will through the Thanksgiving travel days.

Our next stop was supposed to be me dropping Jan off the Friendswood SuperCuts to get her hair cut. Then I would go back  down to Estrella’s to get mine done. But her SuperCuts was closed for some reason, so she read in the truck while I got mine done.

After that we stopped off at the nearby Kroger to pick up some stuff for Chris and Linda. They don’t have a Kroger near them in Kingsland so we always have a shopping list for them when we visit.

Finishing there we had planned to go right across the street to get the truck washed for the trip, but by then it was after 5pm and they were closed. Maybe tomorrow.

Finally heading back toward Santa Fe, Jan remembered a TGF Hair Salon right next to the HEB on FM646 so we stopped there so  she could get her hair done.

And now she has a new favorite place for her to get her hair done. She really liked her cut, so she got the girl’s card and she’ll be going back.

Our RV Advenutes LOGO 4

Tomorrow I’m going to take off a little early because I’ve still go a number of things I need to get done before we leave on Thursday morning.

And these are things I would normally be doing the morning before we leaving on a trip, like disconnecting us from sewer and water, letting in the awnings, picking up the leveler pads, etc.

But it’s now supposed to be 40° and raining Thursday morning, so the more I can get done tomorrow night, the better. Hopefully all I’ll have to do is disconnect power, pulling in the slide, pull out of the site, connect up the toad, and be on our way.

And to help that along, I did a trial run, pulling in the slide this morning, and it worked fine. So hopefully it’ll still work Thursday morning.

But you never know with a 20 year old RV.

Thought For The Day:

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” – Mark Twain, maybe


Almost Ready . . .

Today started off a little different. Jan rode into work with me this morning so she take care of some shopping as well as getting her tootsies done. This way we want have take care to these tomorrow.

And in fact she enjoyed being on her own so much, she said she’s going to do this about once a month in the future.

Our Kingsland trip prep is being complicated by the oncoming drop in temperature. Although it almost made it to 80 today, by 6pm it was down to the mid-50’s and in the mid-40’s by 9pm. And after an expected low of 35° tonight, we’re only looking at a high of 46° tomorrow.

So not very conducive to getting us ready to roll Thursday morning, so I won’t be able to finish up power washing the rig. So I’ll get all that stuff packed up and ready to go back to the storeroom.  And while I’m there I’ll pick up the BrakeBuddy for the trip.

I spent most of the day at work looking at converting a bunch of our machines from 110 volts to 220 so they will work overseas. Most of them are crystal-controlled so the whole 50/60Hz shouldn’t matter.

(BTW  As I’m typing this, I’m thinking how long I’ve been doing this stuff, since when I started it was cps (cycles per second and not Hz. Then it was renamed in the 1960’s.)

It looks like in some cases I’ll have enough room to just replace the transformer. In other cases we may have to supply a external convertor box. A lot of trouble, but this is a big potential order.

Coming home we  stopped off to have dinner at our local Black Bear Diner.

Black Bear Diner Bacon Cheeseburger Salad

Black Bear Taco Salad

Delicious as always.

My new tag stickers came in on Saturday so I got them stuck on this afternoon, so I’m done with this for another year.

First thing tomorrow, before we head out for lunch, et al, I’m going to crank up the rig and do a trial pull-in of the slide, just to be sure we don’t have any problems Thursday morning.

Really looking forward to the trip on Thursday.

Thought For The Day:

“We have so many people who can’t see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one.” – President Ronald Reagan
