Daily Archives: April 19, 2019

This Is Getting Real . . .

This is what Jan said when we started going through the “Goody Bag” that our friend and travel agent, Chantelle Nugent, sent us today.

It contains all the tickets, luggage tags, passport holders, ID badges, itineraries, and information we need for our trip. WOW!

We picked it up at the PO tonight on our way home from our ‘Monterey’s for dinner / Alvin Opry for fun’ evening. Saw a lot of old friends and hear a lot of great singers and songs. And the new venue at the Alvin American Legion Hall is really.

Tomorrow morning we’re heading up to Brandi’s for a couple of days for swimming and Easter dinner. Really looking forward to it.

Wrapping up this short blog, I thought you might be interested in this close-up of the 27 Merlin rocket engines that recently propelled the second Falcon Heavy into space.

Falcon Heavy Engines

Thought for the Day: 

Calm down and enjoy the ride. Life is the Ultimate ‘E’ Ticket.
