Daily Archives: May 21, 2021

Not Much . . .

Not much of a blog tonight, since I’m knee-deep in the new client’s website.

But Jan and I have going over our schedule for the next several months.

First up, of course, is our upcoming Illinois/Alabama trip starting on June 7th and then returning home on June 20th.

Then here’s what we have until the end of November.

Yakoff Smirnoff       July 17 – 5pm
**    1894 Opera House in Galveston
Pompeii                    Until Sept 6            Museum of Natural Science in Houston
Body Worlds            Until Sept 6            Museum of Natural Science in Houston
Van Gogh 1              Starts Aug 12         Immersive – Same one we saw in Paris
Nutcracker Market   Nov 11-14              Ticket Sales TBD.   Keep Checking Back.
Van Gogh 2              Nov 21  – 2pm **     You can never have too much Van Gogh

And the Texas Renaissance Festival may figure in here somewhere.

We’ll see.

Looks like we’re in for still more rain this weekend, and even into next week. So probably not much BBQ’ing on the patio.

Looking Back:

Lenticular Clouds over Mt. Shasta

Mt Shasta Lenticular Clouds 3

Thought For The Day:

Texas is not where you were born, but a Free State of Heart, Mind & Attitude!