More Jack . . .

\Coming home, I made a bypass stop at the El Dorado Wal-Mart to pick up an order that had come in for Jan. She had seen this throw blanket and pillow and just had to have it.

Paris Throw Blanket

And it’s easy to use why. More memories.

This was another of those orders where you go to the Pickup Tower to retrieve the package.

WalMart Pickup Tower 1

But this time, rather than it coming down the dumbwaiter in the tower, one of the lockers beside the tower popped open, containing my order.

Wal-Mart Pickup Lockers

Finishing up there, I crossed the road to the Sam’s Club for gas, today at $1.97, down another penny from last week. Nice.

Later, after getting home, I crawled under the rig to take another look at my oil filter adapter. Cummins sent me a tech bulletin showing that there is a bolt in the center of the adapter mount that must also be removed after I removed the four bolts.

But after taking a number of closeup photos, I see no sign of a bolt.

Rig Oil Filter Closeup

Rig Oil Filter Closeup 2

It’s just a shaft with some sort of locking pin resting in an indent. I guess it’s possible I’m supposed to knock that pin out, but I don’t know.

At least as far as I can see. So I guess it’s back on the phone to Cummins on Monday.

Talking about our Lola Savannah coffee, Jan regularly says how much she likes ‘our coffee’. And I regularly remind her that what we have every morning is not what most people called ‘coffee’.

By the time we start with our flavored coffee, then add a couple of teaspoons of cocoa powder, and some Sugar-Free French Vanilla Creamer, and then sometimes top it off with Sugar-Free Whipped Cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon, most coffee drinkers would scoff. But it is good.

Several readers have inquired about my blog post the other day entitled, “The Best $4.99 I Ever Spent”, and wondered what the $4.99 was for.

Well, it was for the paid version of the Where’s My Droid app. The free version pretty much just let  me locate the phone, and that’s was it.

No photos, no wipe or lock. Sorry I didn’t make that clear.

Brandi sent over this latest photo of New Dog Jack,

New Dog Jack 2

and said he’s making himself right at home.

Our son Chris said he’s just making sure he doesn’t get sent back to doggy prison.

Probably that too.

Not sure when or where, but we’re supposed to get together with Brandi, et. al., for her birthday on Sunday. Looking forward to it, when/wherever.

Thought For The Day:

Politicians pushing gun control are like wolves advising sheep to have their teeth removed in the interest of public safety.

And most of the sheep agree.
