A Big Mistake . . .

My changeover to the new 2019 SSL certificate went off without a hitch this morning, except the long wait for everything to come back up.

All I had to do was rename the old certificate from XXXXX.CRT to XXXXX.CRT2019 and then rename the new one from 2019Cert (just a name I gave it) to XXXXX.CRT.

Then it was just a matter of putting the Shopping Cart into Maintenance Mode, stopping the Apache Webserver software, and rebooting the server.

And then wait. And wait.

But only 20 minutes this time. Just enough time to get slightly anxious. But finally it was all back up and running. But just to be sure I ran a credit card order through with no problem. And then a few minutes later a real order came through, so I guess we were good to go.

I spent the rest of the day modifying a bunch of epilator machines. These machines all use a foot pedal to trigger the pulse that zaps the hair follicle. But somewhere along the line one manufacturer changed the wiring of the foot pedal and the socket on the machine that it plugs into. So what this means is that old pedals don’t work with new machines and new pedals don’t work with old machines.

So if you have an older machine and you order a new pedal for some reason, it won’t work. But there’s no way to tell. The machines all look the same, and the serial numbers don’t help either.

But after a little fiddling, I came up with a simple modification to the machines that lets any machine used any pedal. So all machines that we ship out now, both used and new, are modified to accept both old and new pedals.

Jan and I are still enjoying the twist and turns of the new Roswell, New Mexico series. The only thing that’s disappointing is that they’ve made no effort to duplicate the town’s street lights. Anyone who’s ever been there knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Roswell Street Lamps

They’re iconic, just like the ones in Hershey, PA.

Hershey PA Streetlights

I made a big mistake yesterday at King Food. I wiped my eye.

Normally not a big problem, right?

But it is when I’ve gotten a small piece of my Volcanic Pepper Flakes on my finger wthout knowing it.


Jan said my eye turned a bright red. She should have seen it from my side.

I guess I got some on my fingers when I was cleaning the lid so it would close tighter.

I will definitely try not to make that mistake again.

Tomorrow Jan and I will head up to Houston about 10am for our Katz’s Deli, iBurn, Houston RV Show excursion.

And no, we’re not looking for a new RV.

I know where all the problems are on ours now, and I don’t want to pay a lot of money for a whole new set of problems.

We’re mainly going just to walk around and check out all the vendors, one of our favorite things to do at these events.

Thought for the Day: 

