Daily Archives: December 30, 2019

Steak Delayed ?

Our original plan for New Year’s Eve was for Jan and I to have dinner about 4pm at Saltgrass, and then head on over to the office a little after 5 so I can close out the month and the year on the Point of Sale program, and then after copying all the data off, I’ll replace Jennifer’s Win7 computer with a new Win10 model. Then I’ll copy all the needed data over to the new one.

But Jan seems to have contracted the ‘cold’ or whatever that I’ve been fighting off, she’s reluctant to waste a Saltgrass steak dinner when she’s under the weather. So right now the whole dinner thing is up in the air. Otherwise it might be lunch at Yummy Yummy’s. We’ll see.

Then Jan and I will try to stay awake long enough to see the Ball Drop in Times Square. And that’s at 11pm here. Heaven forbid, we should try to actually make it to midnight.

One of Jan’s favorite gifts this Christmas was this heavy bag that Brandi gave here.

Jan's Landon's Artwork Bag

The really special thing about it is the artwork on the side. It’s actually an original drawing done by our grandson, Landon.

Jan's Landon's Artwork Bag 2

It’s not traced, or copied. It’s completely original and done from scratch.

Wrapping up, I think Lowell enjoyed holding Jack in his lap when he was a lot smaller.

Lowell and Jack

Thought For The Day:

It does not pay a prophet to be too specific. – L. Sprague de Camp
