Monthly Archives: May 2017

Long Day, But Great Scenery . . .

Since we had a long day today, 315 miles, well, long for us anyway, we were pulling out of the park about 8:15 with Jan following in the truck.

We were on our way to the Sam’s Club a couple of miles away to take on some diesel at $2.37 per gallon. As I found during our scouting trip yesterday, it was an easy in with no problems. However the out part was a little more time consuming.

Just as I was ready to pull out to the left, the only way I could go, a lady in a large while truck pulled into the pump row to my left. And just sat there in the truck. Finally after about 5 minutes, she got out and fueled up. Then it was back in the truck for another 5 minutes or so before she finally pulled out, with me right behind her.

Parking over on the side of the parking lot, we were hitched up and on the road by about 9:15. Getting out on I-90 we headed southeast about 65 miles to the turnoff for US212, and the Little Bighorn (is there a Big Bighorn?) Battlefield.

We were a little hesitant about taking 212 when about 5 miles before the exit we saw an electronic sign that said, “Consider I-90, US212 Expect Delays”. But as we talked it over, we figured that any delay less than the hour that route would save us would be worth it.

Although it was a two lane road, it was good and we had no trouble holding 60mph, except for a couple of long climbs. And although we passed through a couple of construction zones, we never found any delays.

But maybe the sign was the reason we had very little traffic going in our direction, but a lot coming toward us.

We did have a lot of great scenery, with large farms, rolling hills, distinctive rocks, and an some pronghorn antelope.

We pulled into the Elk Creek RV Park about 3:30 and were directed over to their Deer Creek RV area. We’ve got 50amp full hookups for 7 days at $17.50/day under Passport America. Nice.

Tomorrow we’re going to just goof off and probably go out to dinner.

Thought for the Day:

Some days I’m diagonally parked in a parallel universe.


HuHot and Old Cars . . .

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Beautiful weather here in Billings today, with temps in the high 60’s and a lot of sun. But since it’s supposed to be in the low 40’s tonight, I plugged my engine’s block heater once again for a toasty engine tomorrow morning.

We’ve stayed here a number of the times over the years and you can’t ask for a nicer park.

Billings RV Park

There’s even parking for two vehicles if you need it.

For breakfast this morning we had our Wheat Montana treats from yesterday’s visit.

Wheat Montana Goodies

She got a Chocolate Croissant while I got an Almond Bearclaw. Both really good. Too bad we didn’t buy more.

Jan spend an hour or so at one of the two nearby park laundries doing our heavy floor rugs, the only thing she doesn’t normally do in our rig’s Splendide Washer/Dryer combo.

About 4pm we headed out to have dinner at our other favorite Billings’ eatery, HuHot Mongolian Grill.

Like the Genghis Grill, HuHot gives you an empty bowl and you go down a cafeteria-type line filling your bowl up with all the meats, veggies, and sauces you want.

HuHot Ingredients

Then you give it to the grill guy who tosses it on a big circular grill and cooks it up for you while you watch.

And what starts out like this,

HuHot Before

ends up like this.

HuHot After

One thing kind of funny was the grill guy’s reaction when he tossed my bowl on the grill. I had loaded it up with all of the really hot and spicy sauces, so when the steamy vapors hit in the face, he jerked back saying :”WOW”. When he looked over at me, I just smiled.

As we were leaving HuHot I saw this really nice 1937 V-8 Ford in the parking lot.

HuHot 1937 Ford 1

I really like those taillights, but I don’t think they’re original equipment. Note the gas cap in the nearest one.

HuHot 1937 Ford 2

Then it was off to the nearby Sam’s Club to pick up a prescription for me and a case of Joint Juice for Jan. We also scouted out the gas station to get some diesel tomorrow morning before we leave town.

Besides being close by and an easy in and out, at $2.37/gallon, it’s the cheapest in the area by about $.20 a gallon.

Later, coming home from Sam’s we passed another bunch of old cars.

Billings Old Cars 1

Billings Old Cars 2

Don’t know why they’re stored there, but they run the gambit of really old to fairly new.

One of our blog readers noticed the helper springs on our wiper arms in the photo of Karma sleeping on the dash yesterday..

Montana Karma on Dash 2

I found these at a truck stop a few years ago, but you can get the same ones here on Amazon.

They work great to keep the blades firmly against the glass, and even better, here on Amazon they’re half the price of the truck stop ones. Check ‘em out..

Passport America, Save 50% on Campsites

Looking at our route to Rapid City tomorrow, I noticed that if I take US 212 past the Custer Battlefield, it makes a 50 mile shorter route around to connect back up with I-90 right above Sturgis, turning our 363 mile trip into only 313 miles. I checked in with my friend Nick Russell who has driven it before and he said it’s a nice drive.

So off we go.

Thought for the Day:

“It’s better to have all the right enemies, than it is to have all the wrong friends.”
