Daily Archives: June 18, 2017

On To The Valley . . .

A really heavy thunderstorm roared through Bartlesville about 6am this morning. But by the time I went out about 9 it had all passed. But it did cool things off.

We were able to hitch up at our site so we pulled out about 10am and got on US75 south heading for Pauls Valley and the Pauls Valley City Lake RV Park a little over 200 miles away.

Just south of Tulsa we stumbled onto the I-44 Turnpike. I say ‘stumbled’ because in Oklahoma they seem to make a habit of springing toll roads on you without a lot of notice.

You’re just driving along and overhead you see a small yellow sign that says “Turnpike”, and now you’re caught. But $11.00 for 87 miles wasn’t bad at all.

Although we started out running the generator and the AC’s we realized that it was that hot and the AC’s were really running much, so we shut it off. The previous two days had been in the high (very high) 90’s, today was in the 70’s for most of the trip.

Very nice.

We pulled into the RV park and got set up about 3pm. Last time we were here it was $13/day for a 50amp FHU, but this time we only have 50am W/E. However since the guy hasn’t come around to collect yet, I don’t know how much it will be this time.

Pauls Valley City Lake Park 1

Jan’s happy again that we have satellite for the first time in 4 days. Yeh!

We headed out about 4:30 to meet Sonja and Lendel, our son-in-law Lowell’s parents for dinner at the Happy Day’s Diner.

Passport America, Save 50% on Campsites

Really good food, and one of the best Chicken Fried Steaks I’ve had.

Happy Days Diner - CFS

And the Fried Okra was great too.

Tomorrow Jan’s hemming some pants over at Sonja’s while I work on her computer, then dinner out.

Thought for the Day:

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened. – Douglas Adams
